BF1 - English - Review


Oct 1, 2016
Reaction score

My review on the battlefield 1 cheat is just down below.

I'll give you each category and what I've rated it out of 5.

This review is based on my experience as of 26/10/16.

Functions - 4/5
It's got everything you need and more, at the moment it's a new test so the aimbot and other stuff isn't as customizable as it could be, however everything is working properly apart from one thing. When aiming you choose a bone for the aimbot to aim at, chest at the moment isn't so good, but chest2 is a good replacement.

Usage - 4/5
With me being an english speaker and downloading russian hacks, I expected the hacks to be very hard to use at first, and hard to get guides considering everyone is Russian, luckily enough the launcher is very user friendly, but can be a bit buggy at times.

Detection Rate - 5/5
With my experience, I've seen no bans what so ever associated with Battlefield 1 and BauntiCheats.
It's very likely to get banned if you rage hack because of fairfight which is impossible to bypass,
so every counter measure you can think of is in place here.

Support - 5/5

Again, one of the thoughts that were daunting me was if I got into trouble loading the hack or using it, i'd be stuck because of the language barrier, oh was I wrong. within my first 24 hours I experienced a bug that happened to me, it was that the game would crash after 15 minutes. I posted a little topic, sent them a data folder and a few hours later the issue was fixed. This is great support as I seem to be the only one having this problem but the coders fixed it for me in just hours.
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