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  1. ThePromoter

    IW4BOT : AutoCrack Owns

    Repz , with Europe Gaming S&D ( with iSnipe Mods)
  2. ThePromoter

    CS :GO Promotion

    Thx :mercurywin:
  3. ThePromoter

    CS :GO Promotion

    Hai @Baunti , @DonaT i reported some bugs Private Message sent to Baunti !
  4. ThePromoter

    IW4BOT : AutoCrack Owns

    @Autocrack , @Baunti , i report a bug , sometimes on some server only visuals works , Aimbot , doesn't work :derpsad:
  5. ThePromoter

    IW4BOT : AutoCrack Owns

    More $w3g. :megustamucho:
  6. ThePromoter

    IW4BOT : AutoCrack Owns

    hai:sweetjesusface: @Autocrack , @Baunti . No Motion Blur because i lost my old files so i will download it for CSGO ;) Song : PRFFTT & Svyable - We Are ft. Crywolf
  7. ThePromoter

    Killsounds | UNBELIEVABLE |

    I got it but i will say it after Unbelivable
  8. ThePromoter

    Killsounds | UNBELIEVABLE |

    Tanks you :)
  9. ThePromoter

    Killsounds | UNBELIEVABLE |

    Thanks D:
  10. ThePromoter

    Killsounds | UNBELIEVABLE |

    Hai , just for you guys my favorite ! :derpthumb:
  11. ThePromoter

    Futurum Advanced Warfare |AIMBOT RAPE| #1

    Thanks Beson :blush:
  12. ThePromoter

    Futurum Advanced Warfare |AIMBOT RAPE| #1

    T-T-TT-T-TT-T-Thanks YOU :mercurywin:
  13. ThePromoter

    IW4Bot by Autocrack

    Yea,thanks i know about that .. but i mean Lion Killsounds that's the name but i can't find it so if you got any idea thanks :D
  14. ThePromoter

    IW4Bot by Autocrack

    Great Feedback , where did you find Killsounds ? I can't find any one ? :okay:
  15. ThePromoter

    HungerHook Full Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare #1

    Ahah , yea low PC players , yes me too :c thanks :derpthumb:
  16. ThePromoter

    Futurum Advanced Warfare |AIMBOT RAPE| #1

    Yea it's FFA / Hardcore thanks :sweetjesusface:
  17. ThePromoter

    Futurum Advanced Warfare |Legit Quickscoping| #2

    Thanks guys :mercurywin:
  18. ThePromoter

    HungerHook Full Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare #1

    Thanks you :derphappycry:
  19. ThePromoter

    HungerHook Full Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare #1

    Hai @Baunti Here you Song : The Prodigy - Voodoo People (Hellsystem Remix) Paradox123 song's
  20. ThePromoter

    Futurum Advanced Warfare |Legit Quickscoping| #2

    Hai , @Baunti Legit one (Quickscoping) @GuessWho Thanks for Support ! Song : Murza -- Без разницы 60FPS , 1080p Still UP ! ( Motion Blur added more sick ,Why my Thanks have been reset ? i got 69 Thanks before :c Anyway :) ..)