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Scavenger There is a circle in the center of the desktop before entering the game, but why is there no menu display and shortcut keys can't be called out when entering the game? The same is true for setting the borderless mode of the window!
Loader won't open at all, a black window pops up just waiting and disappears.Redisturbs and updates are all complete. and security is not disabled anyway
Hell Let Loose Invalid entry into the game.In the Win10 desktop has appeared the circle, but after entering the game does not show the menu, press F6 and Home, does not show the menu.At present, the cheater is invalid, please help to solve it, thank you!
Is there a section for requesting games? I would like to see cheats for the game "Squad" and "SCP Secret Laboratory". Second game should be very easy to hack, first game is harder.
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Reactions: ismaeil malik32123
ismaeil malik32123
1. Run EXLoader;
2. Select the cheat that you purchased;
3. Select the version marked [pay] and press the LAUNCH button;
4. Wait for EXLoader to close;
5. When EXLoader closes, a "circle" should be displayed in the center of the screen, if there is one, go to the next item in the list, if it is not there, then do not start the game
6. Start the game and wait approximately 1-3 minutes;
7. Enjoy your game!
I get the circle, its there in PUGB whats the hack menu. Tried F6 . Home....nothing
când intru legitim, computerul meu repornește sau se face imaginea albastră, iar când intru trebuie să se actualizeze 400 mb. resursă

doar accident și eroare

este o prostie să șterg fișiere din jocul meu pugb mobile : eek: : eek:
o crimă pe legitim și este interzisă instantaneu, bump! aim when actived this is, spected is work but aim is problem
i have perched your hack from one of my friend from Malaysia
for the game PYBG mobile emulator
any new updates and new promotions plzzz send me notifications
and plz help me how i have to perchse from you directly